Sunday, 29 August 2010

Journalism, Shorthand, New Friends....and back comes the complicator.

So I have finally finished my master's degree. Well I say finished, there is still the small matter of the reflective reports, which are becoming an added pain in my small sides.

Two days after finishing and I’m back at the Press Association Centre in Newcastle. I can almost hear the collective groan in the newsroom, who thought they got rid of me a few days ago. After a week, a long, tiring, hard, stressful week, I can hand-on-heart say that I am having the best time of my life. I may be exhausted, waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats thinking I've failed my Teeline exam, stressing out over sourcing stories, but I am loving every single second of it.

The people I am working with are nothing short of journalism stars. I am finally working with people who actually want to become print journalists, who like me live and dream, eat and breathe for news, stories, and features. I have never been happier. Never enjoyed anyone’s company so much, and never had such a good time, all while reading newspapers, looking a squiggly outlines resembling hieroglyphics, and learning about the legal system.

One teeny weenie's back. That constant torture in my world that seems to taunt me, niggling below the surface, biding it's time, waiting until just when something is going right, and then BOOM, exploding in my face.

Yes my Crohn's is back - big time.

I like to say that I'm doing really well, and I guess I am really. But I am not sure how much longer this can carry on. I may have given in and gone back on the evil steroids, but I'm not sure I can see that much blood all day every day for too much longer. I'm exhausted, run down, fed up, and, well, in agony.

I am trying to pretend that I am ok. I'm going out with everyone else, dancing, drinking, eating...and well working my bum off. I am still eating, which is always a good sign. In fact, I am eating like a pig. I guess I am scared that if I stop eating I will just collapse.

But, for now, I'm going to keep battling on. This illness somehow always ends up making me stronger. So in the long run this little set back, while it feels like it is killing me now, it should help me to achieve more, and work harder than I ever thought possible.

Watch this space.

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