Thursday, 2 September 2010

Zizzi's with the PA Training Crew

I am exhausted this morning, but if i am totally honest, I really only have myself to blame.

Last night the hardworking and hard socialising PA Training Crew went out - yet again - to celebrate our basic thirst for life.

This time we actually had a valid reason to kick our feet back and have a cheeky few. It was Larissa's birthday.

Well when I say her birthday, i mean it was almost and that was undoubtedly a good enough reason.

So after staying my hour to finish work, do my teeline, and basically sink into a pit of despair while trying (in vain) to remember the special outline for company - yes I now know it's co - I trudged in the glorious sunshine to join the others at Zizzi's.

I have never been to Zizzi's before, and from friends rave reviews I had fairly high expectations. I wasn't to be disappointed.

Even though I had few options due to my lactose intolerance, spice disagreement, and general awkwardness, I thoroughly enjoyed my meal. I ended up with what was the only thing without cheese on the menu, the tuna salad - yes i am now getting bored of always having salad. However, this was a delightful salad, that had hidden surprises tucked under a mountain of crispy lettuce leaves (it would have been nice if they had mixed it up a bit): new potatoes, egg, olives, peppers. YUM.

My only grumble was the price. Luckily for us lovely Shirley printed us off some very handy vouchers, 2 main meals for £12, which saved us all a fortune. However, the drinks were fairly extortionate, even for hardened journalists like us.

So this morning I am feeling full, tired, sleepy, a little sick and hungover. But was it worth it? Without a shadow of a doubt. Going for a meal is a very social occasion. Last night we all really relaxed, enjoyed ourselves, and had a good old natter, something that you cant really do in clubs with music pumping so loud that you cant even ask for a drink.

Obviously we did go to a loud club afterwards, and I once again got to watch Mr 'Martin' Motivator busting his moves on the dance floor of Bar 42. So I think there will be a lot of heads on desks this morning, and a lot of glazed faces staring at Susan as she writes knowledge for the 100th time, without us getting it. But ah well you only live once.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel, If you are ever unsure what you can have, Zizzi have an allergen and suitability menu on their website:

    Hope that help!
